How to modify WordPress default 404 page ?

Default 404 in WordPress Have you visited a dead link OR had a typo in URL and were taken to page with 404 error ? This is standard error code on web if you are trying to access something that does not exists. If it is standard, then why do you want to customise it ? Most of the times, default 404 page looks like some variation of the following in WordPress Where does user go from here ? Most of the time user is lost. and would just go back to another search result in Google. What would be the logical next steps in this case ? User might want to search the site further OR might want to check the archives OR might just want to look at latest…
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How to integrate SendinBlue with WordPress

Why integrate SendinBlue with WordPress ? MailChimp was the de-facto alternative for anyone starting out with email marketing to get started free, and later upgrading to paid plans as required. Hence we had integrated MailChimp with WordPress umpteen times. You might wonder if that is so, why am I writing about how to integrate SendinBlue with WordPress. Recently MailChimp changed its pricing strategy, many clients started asking for more economical alternatives to MailChimp. Hence I started looking for one which is cost effective and integrates well with WordPress. After combing through various discussions on quora and similar forums, narrowed down on these three Sendy : their home page shows cost comparison with MailChimp Mailerlite : cost comparison with MailChimp SendinBlue: cost comparison with MailChimp Sendy is available for one time payment of…
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How to find and evaluate WordPress plugin

Evaluate WordPress plugin fit without looking at the code in 8 steps You have a WordPress site up and running and you need to add new functionality. Simple, add a plugin right ? Right. However how do you search for right plugin from 47,748 plugins on WordPress repository ? This is just the official repository, for simplicity, I am leaving out other sites and plugin vendors. Back to our question, how do we find a plugin, simple search for the keyword. So you go ahead and do that and find 1000+ results sorted alphabetically ! This is where it gets interesting (and sometimes daunting) for a non-technical user.  How do you find and evaluate a WordPress plugin without looking at the code ? Let me give you simple steps to find and evaluate…
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5 simple ways to speed up WordPress site

Theme, WordPress
Need for speed in WordPress (re-visited) There are quite a few ways to speed up your WordPress site. Some are simple, others are not so simple for beginners viz. install Redis / Varnish for server side caching. I will refer to both alternatives, one for those who are comfortable using command line and those who want to quickly gain speed on existing site using plugins. I have already written about importance of speed earlier when I wrote about caching choices so lets go directly to the steps I. Choose a good host This often goes unnoticed however is very critical not only for speed but also for security in general. There are WordPress specific hosting services which provide WP optimised default installations e.g. Pantheon provides Varnish enabled default WordPress site.You can easily add  Redis for object…
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D-I-Y WordPress Site Care

WordPress is one of the most popular choice for blogging. Nearly 26% of the is WordPress (as of 2016). Not only bloggers but more and more ECommerce and memberships site owners are starting with OR moving to WordPress. As it is easy to get started using many of well written articles online, I want to cover other aspects which are usually not talked about, WordPress site care. Minimal D-I-Y WordPress Site Care At the least, as a site owner needs to do or get following things done, after the site is live Upgrades WordPress core and plugins are regularly updated in WordPress repository. There are two types of changes, Mandatory: These require immediate upgrade as they might be somthing like a security loophole fix. Non-mandatory : Something like new feature release…
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Importance of WordPress caching

WordPress provides many easy to configure options for caching of various kind of elements of site which significantly improve user experience. Let us start with importance of WordPress caching. Importance of speed We all agree intuitively that speed is important. Imagine a user visits your site and your competitors site. Your site load much faster, whereas your competitors site keeps him waiting forever and then the requests times out. If you were that user, where are you likely to go next time ? Will you even bother to check the other site again even if someone tells you the other company is good ? Now for the important question, do you know which amongst the two fits description for your site ? If it is former, then congratulations ! Thank you…
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Responsive Design. What is it and why should I care ?

Responsive Design. What is it and why should I care ?

Responsive Design, WordPress
A non-technical introduction to responsive design and its advantages. What is it ? Have you recently been hearing the term responsive design for web  ? The idea is very simple, content on screen, adapts itself to available screen size for optimum experience. Let me explain what I mean by when I refer to content and optimum experience Content is image, text, video, pricing table or any combination of these. Optimum experience can mean many different things, my definition is simple, user can read / view whatever is on screen without having to pinch and zoom. If you see older sites, it is hard to read them on mobile devices without taking any action. Does you site rearrange it contents to make it easy for user to read/view ? Is your site responsive…
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How to choose WordPress hosting ?

Hosting, WordPress
For someone new to web, choosing WordPress hosting can be daunting task, not because of lack of options, but because there are too many of them.This article will provide a high level framework for you to evaluate those for your needs. If you visit, you would find WordPress described in one line as WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time. We wholeheartedly agree, especially that it is free AND priceless at the same time ! Process If you are someone, who is planning to use WordPress for any of the uses mentioned above, you would have also read that is very easy to get started (following…
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What is a CRM and do I need a CRM?

CRM, Product
Do I need a CRM ? Let me answer second part first, i.e “Do I need a CRM ?”. The answer is, It depends. If you are single person, who receives about 1 lead a week, and already has a structure to follow of from conversion to execution, you don’t need one. If you really want to be sure answer the following questions. However if you sales team OR you receive an influx of leads which need to be tracked for activities, conversion, quote/invoice and payment follow-up, you will be better off with a CRM. It is very easy to answer this question on your own by referring to our 10 questions listed here, re written below for reference. Do you have a way to communicate with your users for…
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